I grew up in a rough neighborhood.
I didn't have any friends just my cousins that live about 20 min away. So my great grandmother was all I had. At 14 I moved to the town my cousins lived in. I was so reserved and my people skills sucked. When I started makeing friends I was 15 and had a job, had some money not much but some. I thought I could keep their friendship by buying them things... Well I over drafted in the bank I can't tell you how many times.
Now in my late 20s I've learned that people will either like you for who you are or use you for whatever they can. I have the best friend k could of ever dreamt of. She and I are so alike but on complete opposite sides of the personality perspective. She encourages me and I know I don't have to buy her friendship, she's been the best friend besides my husband I could of ever asked for.
I wish I would of known that 13 years ago(wow that makes me feel kinda old).
I hope that anyone with low self esteem doesn't think they have to buy friendship, because just like a spouse the right friend will come along one day and you will know it the very first conversation y'all's bond will become inseparable.
@rambo @missy this was a great topic