today was the worst day ever.don`t ask.i`ve been wondering how long i`ve actually been feeling like shit now.must be close to 2 months.and it just won`t it was so cold&windy that i cried!ask valentina,i`m not shitting you,it`s really that cold.and,to make it worse,nine inch nails tickets sold out so fast that i didn`t get one.on wednesday i have a job dressing some rich folks little brats for their own private fashion show.(did i ever mention i`m not that into kids?)and yesterday i went to this erotic convention with julie and flirtingdisaster,which was the saddest thing ever and really made one want to quit sex for good.jesus!(of course julie wanted to attend the porn-actress-casting after 3 beers...)but at least i was out a bit and got an autograph from "famous porn-star"tyra misoux,whose show was unbelievably boring.really cool name,though.
alright,enough whining,valentina`s going to move this week and we`ll decorate her appartment.hooray! what alexanderplatz by alfred dblin is a fucking great book.oh,and there`s some new pics in the modelling-folder,from when i was still looking&feeling good...
alright,enough whining,valentina`s going to move this week and we`ll decorate her appartment.hooray! what alexanderplatz by alfred dblin is a fucking great book.oh,and there`s some new pics in the modelling-folder,from when i was still looking&feeling good...
I know the Vienna winter. Historically, though, they've always been temporary. Wait it out.
i just wanted to say, i think your pictures are really, really nice. are you planning on doing any more sets sometime soon?
Anyway, hope you're all ok. Keep it funky.