alright, here`s the long overdue MAJOR update:
first of all,thank you so much for your birthday-wishes,that was so sweet!the b-day rocked this year,starting with valentina`s project early in the morning.i had the honor to release and later pop the balloons on her back,which was a very unusual thing to do,as well as being her very own personal stylist.the performance was so beautiful,and this tiny little person is just so unbelievably tough,it was amazing.
later her,the boy and his best friend went to have cocktails,and lots of,in this posh cocktail-bar,where the staff gave us weird looks for coming in with our own little cake,presents and balloons.but this was MY party and MY united states of whatever.the petite trapeze-girl gave me two beautiful prints,plus a basket with a mini bottle of dom perignon&strawberries,so VERY pretty woman,which the boy&i could use well for our post-birthday-picnic in the park,with beautiful weather,birds singing,our little baby dog attacking hippie- kids ,leaving them traumatized forever...just perfect!
so that was the birthday.
then last thursday andy hinton started with the cover-up of my unbearably ugly right sleeve.SO painful,but SO worth it!
it`s going to be more or less all black,with just one bird remaining,lots of stars and some cute ribbons.
he`s the third tattooer to work on this arm(which has already cost me a small fortune,btw),but he`s the first that gives me the feeling he might be able to take the curse off the damn let`s see,i`ll keep you updated.
also,finally you can have a look at some of the pics from the fetish-campaign we shot a couple of weeks ago.
go to:hitech-fetishand tell me what you think!
they`re going to show the more hardcore ones later that year,so you might bookmark the page if you`re into that sort of thing.
oh yeah,i just found this picture of me on the ickemickehomepage,it`s so strange i have to share it.i look like some kind of weird,drugged-out animal or something,but i still like it!
oh,two more things:
first,i`m obsessively working on my jewellary collection,"maedchenpop lucky charms",which will come out very excited!!
and second,i`m seriously planning to leave vienna for good this year,the sooner the if anyone has work for a very talented fashion-stylist,please let me know.
city( or continent even) doesn`t matter.
i am absolutely serious about this,so please do help!!!
thank you so much!
yours truly,
first of all,thank you so much for your birthday-wishes,that was so sweet!the b-day rocked this year,starting with valentina`s project early in the morning.i had the honor to release and later pop the balloons on her back,which was a very unusual thing to do,as well as being her very own personal stylist.the performance was so beautiful,and this tiny little person is just so unbelievably tough,it was amazing.
later her,the boy and his best friend went to have cocktails,and lots of,in this posh cocktail-bar,where the staff gave us weird looks for coming in with our own little cake,presents and balloons.but this was MY party and MY united states of whatever.the petite trapeze-girl gave me two beautiful prints,plus a basket with a mini bottle of dom perignon&strawberries,so VERY pretty woman,which the boy&i could use well for our post-birthday-picnic in the park,with beautiful weather,birds singing,our little baby dog attacking hippie- kids ,leaving them traumatized forever...just perfect!
so that was the birthday.
then last thursday andy hinton started with the cover-up of my unbearably ugly right sleeve.SO painful,but SO worth it!
it`s going to be more or less all black,with just one bird remaining,lots of stars and some cute ribbons.
he`s the third tattooer to work on this arm(which has already cost me a small fortune,btw),but he`s the first that gives me the feeling he might be able to take the curse off the damn let`s see,i`ll keep you updated.
also,finally you can have a look at some of the pics from the fetish-campaign we shot a couple of weeks ago.
go to:hitech-fetishand tell me what you think!
they`re going to show the more hardcore ones later that year,so you might bookmark the page if you`re into that sort of thing.
oh yeah,i just found this picture of me on the ickemickehomepage,it`s so strange i have to share it.i look like some kind of weird,drugged-out animal or something,but i still like it!

oh,two more things:
first,i`m obsessively working on my jewellary collection,"maedchenpop lucky charms",which will come out very excited!!
and second,i`m seriously planning to leave vienna for good this year,the sooner the if anyone has work for a very talented fashion-stylist,please let me know.
city( or continent even) doesn`t matter.
i am absolutely serious about this,so please do help!!!
thank you so much!
yours truly,

ich hoffe, die laune ist schon wieder etwas besser.
ich knnte heute auch nur maulen. hab heute an einem silikonabguss einer actionfigur gearbeitet, fehler gemacht und silikon im wert von 50 euro ruiniert.
montag lege ich dann erneut 50 euro auf den tisch und versuche es nochmal, wenn es dann nicht klappt, reichen sie mir bitte den stick...
ich sende gesammelte herzlichkeiten und tausend ksse richtung wien.
ich kann das tolle "working class hero" bildchen im fun ordner gar nicht anschauen.