Shit is going sour lately. I feel so trapped when I stay at home with my family. Ive been planning on moving to VA in the summer with my boyfriend. Last week I got the opportunity to start tattooing. I am really thankful for it and had my first day last Wednesday. It hit me that if I want to purse this as a serious career, I need to take this opportunity and run with it. All of my plans of moving have to halt. My boyfriend, on the other hand is dead set on leaving NC in August It stresses me out to think him and I are going to have to do the long distance thing again. After living together for 9 months It will be extremely hard. He is currently visiting his family in VA this weekend for 4 days and its already killing me I know we can and will work this out I am just terrified how.

First, off good luck with the tattooing career. I say if you want it to be a long term profession, then go for it. Never give up on your dreams. As for the long distance thing, it is hard. I used to live 2 hours away from my boyfriend and we would only get to see each other like once a month due to lack of transportation. Now however, we have been living together for 6 months. I could not imagine being away from now. I can say two things, 1) If it is meant to be, then it will happen regardless of what things get in the way down the road, and 2) "Absence makes the heart grow stronger." If you miss him for awhile, then when you see him you will love him even more. Good luck making a decision. I wish you the best with it. I know it is going to be hard! *hugs*
Sounds like a shitty situation. Hope things work out for ya.