I find it to be so amusing how serious people take things that really have no bearing on their lives. Essentially something that is not theirs, was not created by them, yet they feel the need to get all up in arms about silliness. People are very amusing to me. Often times people really piss me off but more often than not, they make me laugh hysterically. One thing that just really irks me is how no one seems to know how to speak, type, spell, or have a proper sense of grammar. I partially blame this on the fact that people text so much that that style of typing has taken over their life. I understand somewhat that you have to abbreviate due to limited space available but when you put the phone down and start typing an email, letter, or any type of writing with the same style, that is when I get irritated. Learn how to fucking spell people, you only make yourself look unintelligent. One more gripe would be people not doing what they say they are going to do or pretending they are something that they are not. I hate fake people.
On another note, got my hair cut this weekend. Still trying to get used to it, not sure if I like it yet.
So, I did start writing in my journal once again. It was quite refreshing. I went a little nuts and ended up writing like four pages of shit that was on my mind.
I hope all is well with everyone.
On another note, got my hair cut this weekend. Still trying to get used to it, not sure if I like it yet.

So, I did start writing in my journal once again. It was quite refreshing. I went a little nuts and ended up writing like four pages of shit that was on my mind.
I hope all is well with everyone.
Have you seen this group?
English Usage
I agree about the spelling and grammar. I'm not perfect, but I try my best to get it right when I'm writing something to someone or for myself. I' glad to see that there are others that feel the same way.
I can also relate to how you felt when you started writing. If I'm passionate about what I'm writing about, the words just flow from my fingers. I'm glad you're getting pleasure out of your writing.