I just got my grade on my final in my other class. I did a superb job on my essay on the history of tattoos. I got an A in the class which means more tuition reimbursement money in my pocket which also means another chunk of change to put towards the bike. I am so super stoked right now!
I really thought that this professor hated me all through the term. Up until the last two weeks of class she was a total bitch when grading all of my assignments. I guess I really showed her that I can write a kick ass essay (although it was on a subject that I absolutely love so the research part was easy).
I am pretty freaking giddy right now and can hardly contain myself.
I am pretty freaking giddy right now and can hardly contain myself.
I've been meaning to visit your page ever since I found out how close you were to Fishii. I think it's way past time we became friends. Hope you agree.