I finished my finals, YAY! That is a relief. Now I just get to wait and see how I did. Fingers are crossed for A's. Now I am getting ready for the next term which starts tomorrow. The only thing I really need to do is update my biography and read over what assignments are going to be due this week. No big deal, that should go smoothly. Last night I went out with a friend of mine who I haven't seen in months and we had a great time. I do however hate when I have to reject someone. She was hitting on me all night and trying desperately to get me naked. Sorry, just not going to happen. This morning I decided to check my voicemail (which I do not do very often). I have no clue as to how many messages I had to go through and delete but it took well over ten minutes (I guess I shouldn't have waited four months to check them). Anyway, life is good and I am just relaxing today. Hope all is well for everyone else.
and isnt that the "theme" of last night? Practice makes perfect??