Dem bones dem bones them dryyyyyyyy bones.
It's been an intense couple of weeks. Working and playing your ass off six days a week takes a serious toll on your home life. Who knew spending time away from the computer, house and regular friends could be so much dirty, sleepless fun? Not me...but now I know better.
Got a vanilla gig tonight at the Empire. Still not getting paid anything, but there's riders on the storm for my own music as soon as I can write more than the half-dozen songs I have already. Perfectionism is a bitch.
Not sure if I can make it to the masked ball...but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Maybe I can go as Tuxedo Mask:
Or Wrestling Mask:
Or Mask:
I did have a Mask Condor when I was a lad...speaking of which, it's 2006, so where's my motorbike that turns into a helicopter? Hmmmm?
Where's all the cyberfucking, cyberfood and cyberpeople?
Tied one on two weeks ago with a buddy from work, and he met an amazing girl, and they're going out. Did it again last week and another friend met another girl, and they're going out. I'm a high powered, irresistable girl-magnet...for whoever I'm with at the time. Hell of a franchise opportunity here, folks. I'll put an ad in the Yellow Pages:
No confidence?
Butch Dapper
Meet the girl of your dreams...
T-shirts coming soon.

It's been an intense couple of weeks. Working and playing your ass off six days a week takes a serious toll on your home life. Who knew spending time away from the computer, house and regular friends could be so much dirty, sleepless fun? Not me...but now I know better.
Got a vanilla gig tonight at the Empire. Still not getting paid anything, but there's riders on the storm for my own music as soon as I can write more than the half-dozen songs I have already. Perfectionism is a bitch.
Not sure if I can make it to the masked ball...but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Maybe I can go as Tuxedo Mask:

Or Wrestling Mask:

Or Mask:

I did have a Mask Condor when I was a lad...speaking of which, it's 2006, so where's my motorbike that turns into a helicopter? Hmmmm?
Where's all the cyberfucking, cyberfood and cyberpeople?
Tied one on two weeks ago with a buddy from work, and he met an amazing girl, and they're going out. Did it again last week and another friend met another girl, and they're going out. I'm a high powered, irresistable girl-magnet...for whoever I'm with at the time. Hell of a franchise opportunity here, folks. I'll put an ad in the Yellow Pages:
No confidence?
Butch Dapper
Meet the girl of your dreams...
T-shirts coming soon.

Edited because apparently I can't spell the word results. Who knew!
[Edited on Mar 14, 2006 6:09PM]
Live Band Karaoke.
Learn like 100 songs that'd be fun to play, and have people pay to get up and sing them in a pub. Their rock-band vocalist fantasy played out in real time.
You in?