Hola, folks. It's time for the quiff report, with your tour guide, Butch Dapper, at the wheel.
Something terrifying is brewing under my skin...excited atoms and liquid sleaze running so hot I feel like some Freddie dancing and Elvis rock and roll. Damn, blast and fuckity-fuck girls, that's all I want to do right now. Cooking? Nope. Study? Forget it. Housework? Maybe a little. Boys and girls, I want hot lights, tight jeans and loud music...and it's going to happen, people. It will happen.
I've got something to put in you.
Edit: This.
Something terrifying is brewing under my skin...excited atoms and liquid sleaze running so hot I feel like some Freddie dancing and Elvis rock and roll. Damn, blast and fuckity-fuck girls, that's all I want to do right now. Cooking? Nope. Study? Forget it. Housework? Maybe a little. Boys and girls, I want hot lights, tight jeans and loud music...and it's going to happen, people. It will happen.
I've got something to put in you.
Edit: This.
Dude, I hope it's not syphilis, what with all the fuckity fucking and all.