EVERY girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man - but today, I'm wearing last night's smoky, bourbon spattered clothes. Why? I overslept and had to tear into school to meet my academic adviser and I missed a lab. Damn.
On the upside, I had dumplings today. Ah, joy.
Some lowlife swill-hound swiped my sister's bag last night. The fucker then went on to make an hour long call on her phone to who knows where and racked up an hour's worth of 3G time on the handset. I don't usually use emoticons, but
Time for the guru. Yowza and out.
On the upside, I had dumplings today. Ah, joy.
Some lowlife swill-hound swiped my sister's bag last night. The fucker then went on to make an hour long call on her phone to who knows where and racked up an hour's worth of 3G time on the handset. I don't usually use emoticons, but

Time for the guru. Yowza and out.
We love dumplings even more
Sucks for the bag-theft......instant karma!
Guess what?? I'm moving!