Happy Valentine's Day all. I do hope all the lovers out there have a nice day. Being divorced for the last 9 months and having absolutely no dates since then, I'm not all that thrilled about the holiday. Though I am a dying romantic, so I'm all about kisses on the hands and forehead, opening doors, ladies first, flowers, etc... Just seems that love keeps slipping through my fingers. Perhaps it's not meant for me. I am a devote Catholic and for years I've considered joining the priesthood several times. Lately, with nothing but my faith to keep me going, I've been considering the possibility again. I figure I love helping others and being a priest would give me some great opportunities to help people in need. Yes, I'm quite tattooed and I'm sure seminary professors would have a heart attack over it, but am I really defined by my looks? I think not. Yes, I would prefer to find a wonderful woman and have kids and all that, but at 36 I feel like those days are slowly slipping away. Anyways, hope you are all well. Peace!

Thank you so much 

For what, Rourke? You're the sweetheart here, not me.
Man, you and Patton are gunna really make me want to move to OH. There a lot of ghosts in OH? Perhaps I'll bring my TAPS equipment if I ever come visit you ladies...