Hey gang,
Writing again, though no one reads these. LOL! Been busy with work and all that. I went to a friends sister's house the other day for an impromptu one man TAPS investigation. She had been experiencing some alleged paranormal activity recently and was a bit scared. While trying to figure out why her dog was freaking out last week, she did her own EVP session. When she played it back you can clearly hear a man's voice whisper, "Surprise!" That and the fact that she was afraid was enough to get me down there. Haven't finished reviewing all the evidence, but will post whether or not I found anything. Stay tuned....
Writing again, though no one reads these. LOL! Been busy with work and all that. I went to a friends sister's house the other day for an impromptu one man TAPS investigation. She had been experiencing some alleged paranormal activity recently and was a bit scared. While trying to figure out why her dog was freaking out last week, she did her own EVP session. When she played it back you can clearly hear a man's voice whisper, "Surprise!" That and the fact that she was afraid was enough to get me down there. Haven't finished reviewing all the evidence, but will post whether or not I found anything. Stay tuned....

The other day my mum told me she sees my grandma every night in the livingroom. The evening he died she saw my grandpa standing next to her. The idea that he still is somewhere really helps us.
I really wish I could come visit, cause I'd totally bring all of my TAPS equipment and investigate your mum's house for you and see if I could catch anything on video or audio. Good luck, sweets. You truly are my favorite here and if you ever need advice or just want to talk, I'm always available for you hun. Peace.