i luv people. i luv everyone. but am sick of people blaming and wanting more from people. expecting more from people. blaming everyone for their problems. why cant people accept others. accept their own actions. putting all of their problems on everyone else. i don't get it. like they are looking for a way out...a scape goat. i don't get it. why aren't people responsible. stick up for their own actions. am tired of catching the brunt of everyones shit. we can only do so much. everyone expects the best, yet they don't make an effort themselves. i dunno... people need to look around and be thankful for what they have.... health, family, friends....... everything. you take it for granted. stop blaming everyone else for your problems.... in the words of the great Joe Strummer "without people we're nothin" just take a look around. appreciate more, be thankful more, be more givin. just stop for a second...... and look.

people kinda suck I think....