So I really wish I was living somewhere prettier. Yesterday after weeks of debate I got myself the new 5D kitted with the 24-105 lens. I got this for myself as a present to celebrate being in this town of oil for one year. Too bad it is the dead of winter, and the outside is not exactly all that pretty/inspiring. I'm surprised that i've managed to stay here this long, as this is the longest i've been in one place for a few years now. My nature of restlessness is itching again and I really feel the need to just get in the car and drive, or get in a plane and fly away. What to do What to do?
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Tuesday Sep 11, 2012
again back on Canadian soil, with the state of unknown still looming.… -
Wednesday Apr 25, 2012
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Monday Jan 16, 2012
Things in 2012 are going nicely so far. It began in silent meditatio… -
Thursday Jan 12, 2012
Just returned from a talk by Richard Dawkins. This man is amazing, f… -
Thursday Nov 24, 2011
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Saturday Nov 19, 2011
procrastination must be an art form. self imposed deadlines feed thi… -
Wednesday Oct 19, 2011
so I booked a ticket back home. almost excited for Ottawa in the win… -
Wednesday Oct 12, 2011
so ive returned from two weeks in the Mediterranean spent at a joyous… -
Thursday Sep 15, 2011
After a pretty amazing 5 months in Singapore I am back in the cold an… -
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
ever had one of those hangovers that sends the world on a topspin? w…