again back on Canadian soil, with the state of unknown still looming. over the jetlag and more or less ready to face reality. left my heart on the other side of the Atlantic which makes for challenging times ahead. movin' on movin' on....
Things in 2012 are going nicely so far. It began in silent meditation at Against The Stream Buddhist Meditation Society, on Melrose in LA. Followed by another few days of desert loveliness in Palm Springs. More time in the hometown of Ottawa, catching up with those who I did not get a chance to in the days preceding the California sojourn. Since being back in...
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Just returned from a talk by Richard Dawkins. This man is amazing, from reading his many books I had figured that he was an excellent speaker, and I was by no means disappointed. It was powerful being in the presence of a person of such international acclaim. I am also going to see him debate tomorrow morning, so that will complete my double dose of...
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sounds like life is dandy,
just popping in to say hello on this snowy, saturday morning.
just popping in to say hello on this snowy, saturday morning.

thank you for that.
it makes beautiful sense. its nice to read something of such substance in response
the tattoo looks great!
i haven't noticed the frost since.
i really must have been out at just the perfect moment.
i forget how lucky i am at times
it makes beautiful sense. its nice to read something of such substance in response

the tattoo looks great!
i haven't noticed the frost since.
i really must have been out at just the perfect moment.
i forget how lucky i am at times
procrastination must be an art form. self imposed deadlines feed this art like a muse unbeknownst before. new ink on wednesday. i miss the feel of the ink tipped needle penetrating skin. a month til I go home for the first time in a year and a half, weird.
so I booked a ticket back home. almost excited for Ottawa in the winter. It will have been 18 months since ive seen the place which is quite weird. nice perk of it is that ill get to sneak down to palm springs to see my grandma as apparently she misses me enough for a plane ticket to the california desert. otherwise trudging along trying...
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so ive returned from two weeks in the Mediterranean spent at a joyous field station on the island of Corsica. It was nice being in a secluded spot for these two weeks, waking up every day to fresh baguettes and jam, watching the sun creep over the hills as it shared its warmth and glory, whilst the steam rose from my coffee.
watching the young...
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watching the young...
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I've been in Corsica twice and your words just make me want to jump on a ferry and visit that island once again 
Where have you been, exactly?
I was in Bonifacio, in the South, the first time. Two years later, I visited the North: Centu, Ile Rousse, Calv and the in-betweens. Amazing places

Where have you been, exactly?
I was in Bonifacio, in the South, the first time. Two years later, I visited the North: Centu, Ile Rousse, Calv and the in-betweens. Amazing places

After a pretty amazing 5 months in Singapore I am back in the cold and dreary haunts of northern Holland. Its nice to be back in a place that isn't so regulated by rules and its nice to be able to smoke a joint if I feel like it and not have the fear of being hanged over my head. School has been busy fast...
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hahaha yes i can see the victorian english being an obstacle. i found it alot easier to read than i had expected. it took me almost a month to get through it but i'm glad i didextremely interesting book!! you should pick it back up if you get a chance!
i can't imagine life without freedom of joint smoking.
i'm puffing on one right now
hope you have a fabulous weekend!
i can't imagine life without freedom of joint smoking.
i'm puffing on one right now

hope you have a fabulous weekend!
ever had one of those hangovers that sends the world on a topspin? well I managed to accumulate an epic 2 day one on Friday night after some epic debauch here, but since I then i have felt that the world is crumbling around me. my research here is running into brick wall after brick wall, and ive taken most of it in stride, but...
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