In the behind the scenes footage in this head full of gaudiness
I juggle insecurities, anticipating boos from the audience
Oh Lord hes just making up for years of isolation
The proof is in the acid in his tears, I dont blame him
My inner childs a schitzo, a loner with a gang mentality
Get the wolves with the prescription pads, let them handle me
They can sink their Vicodin coated teeth into the veins in my neck
Just let me go to my innocences grave so I can pay my respect
Cause puberty is a curse that leads to tons of sleepless nights
Mixed signals, empty promises and frequent fights
I tried praying so much God started screening his calls
Which led to screaming through walls. Dont believe me at all?
You dont have to, my complaints dont have to be validated
And with my shattered glass covered past, Im glad I made it
I held onto my virginity so long, it stopped being a novelty
My words still have seasoned scholars trying to follow me
I bitch because I can, and I cry because I earned it
I mastered the intangible without even applying for a permit
So keep your ill-fated Zane fantasies with all of their misplaced commas
Ill elope with my right hand before I subscribe to that drama
If that leads to being 50, beer bellied with bad skin and teeth
Ill still sleep comfortably at night, holding onto my beliefs
I've had to put up with someone's BULLSHIT as of late, can you tell??
I juggle insecurities, anticipating boos from the audience
Oh Lord hes just making up for years of isolation
The proof is in the acid in his tears, I dont blame him
My inner childs a schitzo, a loner with a gang mentality
Get the wolves with the prescription pads, let them handle me
They can sink their Vicodin coated teeth into the veins in my neck
Just let me go to my innocences grave so I can pay my respect
Cause puberty is a curse that leads to tons of sleepless nights
Mixed signals, empty promises and frequent fights
I tried praying so much God started screening his calls
Which led to screaming through walls. Dont believe me at all?
You dont have to, my complaints dont have to be validated
And with my shattered glass covered past, Im glad I made it
I held onto my virginity so long, it stopped being a novelty
My words still have seasoned scholars trying to follow me
I bitch because I can, and I cry because I earned it
I mastered the intangible without even applying for a permit
So keep your ill-fated Zane fantasies with all of their misplaced commas
Ill elope with my right hand before I subscribe to that drama
If that leads to being 50, beer bellied with bad skin and teeth
Ill still sleep comfortably at night, holding onto my beliefs
I've had to put up with someone's BULLSHIT as of late, can you tell??

The last 4 lines definately do it for me.