This new version fucking SUCKS!!! Ehem, that said; I don't think anyone is interested in news about my wedding and since that's the only thing really new that's going on in my life I'm going to spare everyone the boring details.
Instead I am going to suggest checking out the overlooked self-titled album by The Cutthroats 9 if you're a fan of Helmet and their ilk you should appreciate it. That is all for now and depending on whether this new site design let's me update again
or not I might have another hidden music gem to suggest in the next couple of days.
Instead I am going to suggest checking out the overlooked self-titled album by The Cutthroats 9 if you're a fan of Helmet and their ilk you should appreciate it. That is all for now and depending on whether this new site design let's me update again

Oy vey.
and yes, I did debate a bit about the analogy. But I figure it apeals to the youngin's' narcissism.