Arrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhm, it was good and I was near sleeping under the simulated sun. Now I'm happier than in my early hours today and everything seems to be good.
So let's see what today gets for me!
I'm happy but don't know why. Now I'm going to the tanning salon it's about time to do so.
Maybe I come back with a good story (... I don't thinks so. )...
hehe ich hab noch brune vom urlaub brig. bin ja absolut kein tannin salon gnger, ist mir einfach zu anstrngend, aber wenn ich das wetter so beobachte...und ich die heizung noch nicht anmachen will...mhh eigentlich ne gute idee, dann wirds wieder schn warm an den fen
Ich msste schlafen, habe aber eher Lust, mit dem Auto eine Runde rumzufahren.
Vielleicht sollte ich den Kopf einfach nach hinten in den Chefsessel fallen lassen...
EDIT: Irgendwie is mir anders gerade. Wie is mir denn?
After the past long nights of work today I will quit quite earlier and go to bed as soon as possible ( arround 02:00 a.m. ).
I did finish with my concept today and now I'm searching for some money arround the globe, hh.
die einkaufsberatung war ja auch nicht fr limbo und einen ausgeprgten fetisch fr mdchenunterwsche, sondern ein beweis dafr, dass man bei zara auch mal schauen kann. du kannst dir meinen stylistenrat nicht leisten. ich bin teuer, aber jeden cent wert.
like on many days before this week i sat in front of my pc because i had to work, but the thoughst were blured.
i decided to drive arround some kilometers in my car ... during the way back i suddenly saw a man lying on the road, backside to the ground. he lay across the whole right side of the lane and i had... Read More
with my new galerie named people art i've added some pics out of over 200 pieces in one session in the early month of 2006.
at this time i took the pics together with two good friends - sina and janine - at home.
they are more semi and amateur but that was even a sense of them.
the four most incredible things of my today are ...
-> i've got my car back from repair (after some working man hit it with his pick up last week) and so i must no longer use the "horrible" vw passat highline.
-> my fucking new mobile is damaged again (afte it was out for repair last week and send back as "o.k.")
-> from... Read More
I will post some of the pics but have to resize them first, so keep an eye out for it...