Hammering On My Keys
Today I bought a new keyboard for my pc because the former was one, which is the "normal" dimension in height. Such keyboards I used all days and nights long for almost 10 years but now my fingers quit doing good with that height for keys: they ache. The keys had to be lowered down so I bought a special downsized...
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Today I bought a new keyboard for my pc because the former was one, which is the "normal" dimension in height. Such keyboards I used all days and nights long for almost 10 years but now my fingers quit doing good with that height for keys: they ache. The keys had to be lowered down so I bought a special downsized...
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Push The Button!
Yesterday was better than the many others before.
My body and soul felt better. I had fun listening to music. I ate a lot of unhealthy food.
... And five minutes ago i broke the button of my toilet flushing into two pieces - holy shit!
Maybe the bathroom becomes a swimming pool this night. *g*
Yesterday was better than the many others before.
My body and soul felt better. I had fun listening to music. I ate a lot of unhealthy food.
... And five minutes ago i broke the button of my toilet flushing into two pieces - holy shit!
Maybe the bathroom becomes a swimming pool this night. *g*
,,, still down near zero.
Music triggers enourmosly, thougts get in touch with the autumn sky.
Still standing. Still standing?
,,, still down near zero.
Music triggers enourmosly, thougts get in touch with the autumn sky.
Still standing. Still standing?
herbst ist schn!!!
Hahahaha was verstehst du unter Retro Shorts? Vom Schnitt oder der farbe her?
Ich liebe bei Mnnern schwarze Satinboxershorts. Frag mich net warum.
Wie geht es dir seelisch? Ich schicke dir ganz viel Kraft! Nimmst du ADs?
Ich liebe bei Mnnern schwarze Satinboxershorts. Frag mich net warum.
Wie geht es dir seelisch? Ich schicke dir ganz viel Kraft! Nimmst du ADs?
Four To The Floor
Hi there!
Nothing special new to write about my life during the last weeks ...
Today there is a special party where the german SGs and members come together and finally the German SGs strip for the audience. I think, they will have very much fun and spam all over the group after the event.
In my life I spend many...
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Hi there!
Nothing special new to write about my life during the last weeks ...
Today there is a special party where the german SGs and members come together and finally the German SGs strip for the audience. I think, they will have very much fun and spam all over the group after the event.
In my life I spend many...
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Das muss wahre Liebe sein wenn du die Baggys fr unsere Hochzeit kaufst
Das mit deinen Depressionen tut mit sehr leid, ich kenne das, wenn sich pltzlich die Welt zuzieht und alles keinen Sinn mehr zu ergeben scheint
Mein einziger Rat ist immer, sich mit netten Leuten zu umgeben und die Wohnung zu verlassen. Das hat mir immer gut geholfen.
Das mit deinen Depressionen tut mit sehr leid, ich kenne das, wenn sich pltzlich die Welt zuzieht und alles keinen Sinn mehr zu ergeben scheint
Mein einziger Rat ist immer, sich mit netten Leuten zu umgeben und die Wohnung zu verlassen. Das hat mir immer gut geholfen.
Good day!
- I've updated my profile because my nigth was veeeeeeery long (what means my time in my warm and lazy bed was too short again) and when I started to change it it was 03:36 a.m.. 'Insomna at its best' for me tonight and so I cleaned up the informations and made this new pic, which is post prepared with some grafik manipulation...
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- I've updated my profile because my nigth was veeeeeeery long (what means my time in my warm and lazy bed was too short again) and when I started to change it it was 03:36 a.m.. 'Insomna at its best' for me tonight and so I cleaned up the informations and made this new pic, which is post prepared with some grafik manipulation...
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weil die offiziellen wissen worauf es ankommt, ich will nicht das noch ein Set von mir abgelehnt wird
werd ick brauchen
-> Also isch versth jtz' nd, warum Ihr jde Monad zhld!
-> Bld, dass ich schn bin! Schn, dass Du bld bist!
-> Bld, dass ich schn bin! Schn, dass Du bld bist!
Dumm fickt gut.
Klingt komisch - Ist aber so! Wer dumm ist denkt nicht viel, was beim Sex sehr hilfreich ist.
Ich sag zu meinen Qualitten jetzt mal gar nix... Kann ja nur schlecht fr mich sein!
Ich sag zu meinen Qualitten jetzt mal gar nix... Kann ja nur schlecht fr mich sein!
Insomnia- sleeples in Windowspolis
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much work and tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo little time for doing someting good to my body and soul.
I'm afraid about that it will be so for the next years. If it comes so i will have to leave SG soon.
Current mood: some kind of sadness.
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much work and tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo little time for doing someting good to my body and soul.
I'm afraid about that it will be so for the next years. If it comes so i will have to leave SG soon.
Current mood: some kind of sadness.
danke naja ich arbeite ja auch ziemlich hart fr mein geld im moment, hab kaum freie tage wegen personalmangel aber was solls, die kohle stimmt
NEEEIN! Was sollen wir denn ohne deine geistigen Ergsse tun? *schnief*
Upcoming downforcing
Hey there!
Since yesterday I'm ongoing deeper and deeper into the mood and feelings of depression and the ongoing pain again.
Yesterday evening I saw internet sites which once were set up by friends, family or other near people in memorian of people which died very soon, too soon. I normally only show such a behaviour if my depressions are upcoming and get...
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Hey there!
Since yesterday I'm ongoing deeper and deeper into the mood and feelings of depression and the ongoing pain again.
Yesterday evening I saw internet sites which once were set up by friends, family or other near people in memorian of people which died very soon, too soon. I normally only show such a behaviour if my depressions are upcoming and get...
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Another Brick In The Wall
Hm, today was better then the days before. For a good conclusion the radio station I'm listening to plays Korn with this cover song. Now it's time for me to go to bed. At 09:15 a.m. I have to be at the "Agentur fr Arbeit".
Hm, today was better then the days before. For a good conclusion the radio station I'm listening to plays Korn with this cover song. Now it's time for me to go to bed. At 09:15 a.m. I have to be at the "Agentur fr Arbeit".
he. thanx frs kompliment... und den support... hab heute zwar n kack-tag... aber die ziehen mich nicht mehr soooooo weit runter.
ist n grund zum quieken - glaub ich...
ist n grund zum quieken - glaub ich...