Back from Los Angeles. The best part about the trip is probably that my dad hit on Lisa. There is not enough and equally too much to talk about in regards to the trip.
Lisa pointed this discussion ( out to me as being a SG Winner. Most everything has been said and individuals have spent more time pondering these matters. I only wanted to add that the discussion here presented by the author feels as though he is proposing anarchy or at least a different system but I am not sure what exactly he is proposing. But it seems as though he is driving at a singular truthful existence for mankind. One that exists but is suppressed from reality that the majority of us have not been awoken to and need to before it is too late.
I want to think this is the summation of the argument because otherwise this is a statement of anarchy because it defines no other reality but one that is antithesis to this one. I am definitely agreeable that individuals should be aware and skeptical (scientific hypothesis) but this borders more on paranoia.
Though to this author's credit, it is within a crowd of dissenting opinions greater truths can be discovered. A spectrum of thesis and antithesis, opposition, I believe is necessary for health. We are not what we are without our struggles and that which stood before us in our lives.
I think there is a definite need for a forum for men to discuss dating, life, and relationships but I have not found strong offerings from the majority of my peers or from media outlets.,%20The%20Buttons%20Get%20Loose/
These are some examples that stumbled along to me today. The first seems to me to be a product of our strange socialization these days. It seems as though this is a matter that our parents and family would help us address so that we could enjoy more healthy relationships and interactions in our lives. The problem, from my perspective, is that very few people have figured it out for themselves. I am not convinced that it this is a result of puritanical roots or our educational system. But more a product of being a human being with a brain that believes it's too big for our bodies.
I actually think that "some" of the material related to the art of seduction and Pick-Up (PUA) comes a lot closer than a lot of material that you might find yourself reading or watching. However, the best information comes from understanding yourself and that requires you to be present in the moment. And to place your present self in as many moments as possible.
Lisa pointed this discussion ( out to me as being a SG Winner. Most everything has been said and individuals have spent more time pondering these matters. I only wanted to add that the discussion here presented by the author feels as though he is proposing anarchy or at least a different system but I am not sure what exactly he is proposing. But it seems as though he is driving at a singular truthful existence for mankind. One that exists but is suppressed from reality that the majority of us have not been awoken to and need to before it is too late.
I want to think this is the summation of the argument because otherwise this is a statement of anarchy because it defines no other reality but one that is antithesis to this one. I am definitely agreeable that individuals should be aware and skeptical (scientific hypothesis) but this borders more on paranoia.
Though to this author's credit, it is within a crowd of dissenting opinions greater truths can be discovered. A spectrum of thesis and antithesis, opposition, I believe is necessary for health. We are not what we are without our struggles and that which stood before us in our lives.
I think there is a definite need for a forum for men to discuss dating, life, and relationships but I have not found strong offerings from the majority of my peers or from media outlets.,%20The%20Buttons%20Get%20Loose/
These are some examples that stumbled along to me today. The first seems to me to be a product of our strange socialization these days. It seems as though this is a matter that our parents and family would help us address so that we could enjoy more healthy relationships and interactions in our lives. The problem, from my perspective, is that very few people have figured it out for themselves. I am not convinced that it this is a result of puritanical roots or our educational system. But more a product of being a human being with a brain that believes it's too big for our bodies.
I actually think that "some" of the material related to the art of seduction and Pick-Up (PUA) comes a lot closer than a lot of material that you might find yourself reading or watching. However, the best information comes from understanding yourself and that requires you to be present in the moment. And to place your present self in as many moments as possible.
Every cloud has a silver lining, etc.