The site, my opus, is now live. This will likely be filled with ridiculously stupid photos of people putting dice-bags in their mouth. That is if I'm actually free to do any of that. This time around at GENCON I seem to have found myself in quite a large number of games.
Updated a number of pages on my website to support my iPhone (and other small devices). Not that there is a huge number of iPhone browsers (just Atomicant checking his friend's list 20 times a day) hitting my website, but the firedrill of learning to selective stylesheet based on viewing size got me to fix a few things that needed some attention and remind me that I enjoy reading the things that I have written.
In the coming weeks I'll likely be posting a number of Windows related tools that I have cobbled together over the last two years. Releasing about one a week. What I previously called <a href="http://burtlo.recursivegames.com/code/">CODE</a> still reeks of school projects and amateur hour. The idea is that more things like RingRing and InstantArtist take the place of a number of these things.
I also need to get back in the business of editing previous poetic works. I have paused that for quite a bit longer than I have liked. Though I am still very much within my closing distance before the year is out. I had planned to release a small quantity of print versions into the wild. Mostly to appease my grandmother who is always interested in the things that I create. I am interested in hearing her take on my musings on oral sex.
Lastly, I am likely going to setup a Stache contest page for September to allow individuals to submit designs. Last time I had an image of me to download and people could resubmit their design ideas. I would like to stream-line that with some on-line flash/java drawing tool that simply e-mails me or saves images on the server. Making it far easier for people to spam the shit out of me but hopefully get more people submitting designs.
i thought you were totally over pokemon? hmmmm?
So does that mean you're going?