Despite what you think, it's really a curse.
Saturday was the big event that I put together for my friends in Improv, that sadly never reached all of them. If I didn't have your e-mail, I never got it from Amanda and it's likely that she never added individuals to the invite or forwarded that information to you. For that I apologize and feel as though I failed for how incredibly simple it was to put the event together. I also failed a particular underage SG member that I had originally bullied into coming. For that I don't just apologize, but I apologize still feel as though I am a heel.
Originally, the idea was to stage a dance at a friend's warehouse but when that venue evaporated (Insurance?). I was more than pleased to farm out the rest of the night to various locations around Seattle. Dinner was a pleasant affair at The Pink Door. Pool later at the Garage was more cramped than I had imagined. Dancing at Club V was an activity taken on by a small percentage. Beth's Cafe, afterwards, was uncharacteristically efficient. The night ended well.
I took a few pictures early in the evening but stopped later so that I could enjoy myself. It was a casual night, a low energy affair, with a touch of class in our choice of dress.
The pictures reside here.
I am sucking up sun in bunches!
2 ladies at once! you are a lucky man! hehe