1.5 lbs. of beef.
8:32 minutes ago I wasn't winner of the Fat Burger Triple-King Challenge. 8:32 minutes ago I didn't own a Fat Burger t-shirt. 8:32 minutes ago my stomach wasn't crowding my left kidney. Next week my face goes up on the board. Next week I join the hall of fame. I hope I make it to next week, or the photo will double in my obituary.
I have learned to Twitter.
At first, I didn't give it much thought. But then I remembered: brevity is attractive. My phone feels born-again.
I would like to become a Pirate of the Burning Seas. I will, however, wait until I can find a full crew.
Congrats! I don't think I could do that

I think the mustache design should be done as a time-lapse experiment. Set up a camera with a remote and have someone click through from an above angle spot.