With my anal dentata, *ahem*, packed, 7 electronic gizmo chargers, and a toothbrush - I set out tomorrow to Indianapolis.
In spite of my attendance at such a grandiose gamer event I would still hesitate to qualify myself as an avid role-player/gamer*. From a marketing perspective I most definitely qualify within these bounds, having a long history of purchasing and using the products, but I fear I do not possess that same gamer gland - excreting so heavily, compelling them to bring pencil-to-paper and dice-to-table. I have "gaming" moods and I'm far too particular (read: bitchy) about games, game sessions, and players. (Dear God, will they find me out and tear my limbs from me?)
However, the event at hand seems as fundamental as a pilgrimage to Meccah. Gamers filling tightly confined spaces, elbow-to-elbow, seated at tables, drinking caffeinated beverages long into the night. I can't deny my absolute contact high being surrounded by absolutely passionate and socially-oblivious people making such a journey.
I will be equipped with a camera and a recently acquired camcorder to document this holy ritual. If any of it is deemed "adequate," you will surely find it in this space.
Image courtesy of Tobias Fnke Analrapist Design.
*I would, however, consider myself a console/PC gamer and TCG/CCG addict.
Nerd-Squad just hit!!! muhahahah...but seriously it was totally cool to have met you in the least likely of places....THE BUS..but seriously we should hang out some time. Kepp yourself up-dated and i'll help you along the way..oi! are you going to the Penny Arcade event this weekend?

Heh, one of the girls in the local booth wanted to add you, but I thought that having an interesting beard wasn't reason enough for a checkmark!