I am going to write a big old update before disappering into what the folks on the outside call "THE REAL WORLD" again...
So I work at the Coop again. Everyone's glad to have me back, and I'm mostly glad to be there. I got in trouble on the second day back, but I shruged it off as some kind of scare tactic to get me to do whatever management wants. I'm not really interested in playing that game.
I gushed to Dan today about the Flaming Lips and he got very excited. In turn, I got even more excited and turned pink in the face with happiness. I truly truly love music. Three days into the job and it's like I never left. Stella and I have bonded again, Dan called me sweetheart, Carolina spanked me and Stephanie hugged me.
Finally met up with my friends at Emerson again last night. It'd been about two weeks since I'd seen them. For my birthday, Puffin bought me the dress I lusted after. Em and Jasmine and I bonded over wine and our love of the Beatles and Harry Potter. We just wish Hogwarts was real. Fishner party in Allston. Got drunk as fuck all, blew some coke, felt out of my mind for a little bit, rinse, repeat.
I'm excited to go out to dinner for my birthday. Not because it's my birthday, that kind of excitement wore off when I turned fourteen.... but beacuse I'll have a small handful of real friends with me. People I want to know more about and viceversa. That is something I have not had in a long long time. And Face will be there! The gay love of my life!
I realized that having a full time job and not having to pay rent means lots of money. And that means I am actually going to go somewhere this summer. I'm not sure where yet, but I'm going! I am forcing myself on a plane in light of my last plane experience! Huzzah!
Do you realize - that everyone you know
Someday will die -
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
So I work at the Coop again. Everyone's glad to have me back, and I'm mostly glad to be there. I got in trouble on the second day back, but I shruged it off as some kind of scare tactic to get me to do whatever management wants. I'm not really interested in playing that game.
I gushed to Dan today about the Flaming Lips and he got very excited. In turn, I got even more excited and turned pink in the face with happiness. I truly truly love music. Three days into the job and it's like I never left. Stella and I have bonded again, Dan called me sweetheart, Carolina spanked me and Stephanie hugged me.
Finally met up with my friends at Emerson again last night. It'd been about two weeks since I'd seen them. For my birthday, Puffin bought me the dress I lusted after. Em and Jasmine and I bonded over wine and our love of the Beatles and Harry Potter. We just wish Hogwarts was real. Fishner party in Allston. Got drunk as fuck all, blew some coke, felt out of my mind for a little bit, rinse, repeat.
I'm excited to go out to dinner for my birthday. Not because it's my birthday, that kind of excitement wore off when I turned fourteen.... but beacuse I'll have a small handful of real friends with me. People I want to know more about and viceversa. That is something I have not had in a long long time. And Face will be there! The gay love of my life!
I realized that having a full time job and not having to pay rent means lots of money. And that means I am actually going to go somewhere this summer. I'm not sure where yet, but I'm going! I am forcing myself on a plane in light of my last plane experience! Huzzah!
Do you realize - that everyone you know
Someday will die -
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round

If you have any kinda techniques which force you to get on a plane, make sure u let me know!