She was hiding from the winter
in a bathing suit
Trying to drive to Milwaukee
buying maps of Indonnesia
She quit dancing
by falling down
Everything was extreme
and ineffective
She was hiding from the winter
in a bathing suit
Trying to drive to Milwaukee
buying maps of Indonnesia
She quit dancing
by falling down
Everything was extreme
and ineffective
your comment, as always, was sweet, and I do not retract my statement about you being my favorite person on the site that I have made friends with.
nude basketweaving usually occurs between the hours of 4-10 PM when I am most likely to become bored. if you would like to join in the fun, I welcome you to!
I took some photographs today. if you want to take a gander you may. they are in my pics folder. whoo dee whoo. I appreciate your photographer feedback. though, I am not trying to be professional... so they kind of suck.