So instead of hanging out with the right crowd, i hung out with the wrong ones. Big mistake, but i did do something for myself and went to the last place i thought id Honestly i needed to. it should have been the first place i went to, to help with my heavy heart mind and soul. It was very enlighting, emotional, spritual. I took every word to heart and listened with a open mind. I love my girl so very much, and because of it i have to let her go. To want to keep her when she is not ready is selfish on my part. That is what i learned. That is also what i need to follow. So my romantic relationship with her is set free, the friendship i need to show her starts. Its not easy, this road i have to take, but i know with out adoubt the big man is watching over me.
I know we don't know each other well but I'm proud of you for being able to open your heart and mind. God Bless.