So the job is going well with the exception that I think the 3-Midnight shift is going to drive me crazy very soon. Right now I am working 3pm - Midnight get home watch some TV, or play a video game, or watch a movie. (Something to unwind), and it's usually Between 2am and 3am before I am ready to pass out. Then I try to get up by 10am. But more likely it's 11:30am or 12 (noon). On a normal day, I will get up spend 45 minutes on the exercise bike, while watching an episode of something of netflix (I just finished Star Trek Voyager, and I am working on Farscape right now.) Then shower, make lunch, feed the cat, eat lunch, then probably fuck around on the internet for the next 30 minutes or so until I have to head out to work.
The only time I see my other half these days is on the weekends, and maybe for 20 minutes if I come home for lunch (ie there is not something at work such as alcohol, which prevent me from driving home safely for lunch), or if she doesn't have a meeting, or plans after work. Which in the end means I see her maybe 2-3 time durning the week. I am very passed out still when she gets up for work in the morning. And by the time I get home she is already asleep.
Also working from 3pm - Midnight, the other problem is the hours I am working, tends to be the hours that almost everyone else I know is free. So people I would text, or chat with online most of the time are not around when I am. Or when people do text me I am at work, and not able to respond as actively as I would like.
And on top of all of that, I am spending 8 hours a day 5 days a week on a computer talking to people on message boards, and on chat rooms. And the only people I tend to interact with the majority of the time would be the people who are breaking the rules and I need to sanction (aka bring down the ban hammer on). Yes there is another core group of players who respect the rules and who are helpful and friendly, but I don't get to spend as much time with them, as the trouble makers who call me things I don't think I could even post on this blog. (Another note I am working on setting up a blog of insults I have been called) But after dealing with people online and being put through the ringer, one of the last thing I want to do is sit down in front of a keyboard, and computer monitor. Not because I don't love and adore all of the people I know here, and other places online, because I do. It's I am just done being on a computer.
But on a plus note sometime around the middle of next month I am going to be a rotating shift, where a month at a time I will be on a different shift (7am-4pm), (3pm-midnight) or (11pm-8am). And once that happens I should be found around here and other places more often.
I haven't forgotten about you SG!
The only time I see my other half these days is on the weekends, and maybe for 20 minutes if I come home for lunch (ie there is not something at work such as alcohol, which prevent me from driving home safely for lunch), or if she doesn't have a meeting, or plans after work. Which in the end means I see her maybe 2-3 time durning the week. I am very passed out still when she gets up for work in the morning. And by the time I get home she is already asleep.
Also working from 3pm - Midnight, the other problem is the hours I am working, tends to be the hours that almost everyone else I know is free. So people I would text, or chat with online most of the time are not around when I am. Or when people do text me I am at work, and not able to respond as actively as I would like.
And on top of all of that, I am spending 8 hours a day 5 days a week on a computer talking to people on message boards, and on chat rooms. And the only people I tend to interact with the majority of the time would be the people who are breaking the rules and I need to sanction (aka bring down the ban hammer on). Yes there is another core group of players who respect the rules and who are helpful and friendly, but I don't get to spend as much time with them, as the trouble makers who call me things I don't think I could even post on this blog. (Another note I am working on setting up a blog of insults I have been called) But after dealing with people online and being put through the ringer, one of the last thing I want to do is sit down in front of a keyboard, and computer monitor. Not because I don't love and adore all of the people I know here, and other places online, because I do. It's I am just done being on a computer.
But on a plus note sometime around the middle of next month I am going to be a rotating shift, where a month at a time I will be on a different shift (7am-4pm), (3pm-midnight) or (11pm-8am). And once that happens I should be found around here and other places more often.
I haven't forgotten about you SG!
I understand shunning the keyboard. Now that I"m on my computer all day at work, Im less likely to bother when I get kids love it though because now they get to use the computer haha.
I know, I know! I'm sorry, but I was planning on telling everybody once I was there and Dragon Lady wouldn't let us go online or use our phones all day. By the time I could get online the Internet in the conference room wasn't working and it pretty much shun me out of contact with everybody...
I might be going back in June, so I promise this time around I'll let you know beforehand!