I'm such an idiot sometimes! I have a habit of setting bills aside instead of just writing out a check immediately and then totally forget about it. It's not like I don't have the funds in the bank. I just got 2 overdue bill notices and have to pay a late fee for no reason. Attention self, you're a fucking moron!
Hi there new friend. Hope your doing well. I grabbed my copy of the NYHC documentary and it was put out by Velebit productions. I checked the website on the back (www.velebitpro.com), and it looks like it's still in print. Grab yourself a copy. It kills me though, because it turned me on to a band called District 9, and I can't find any of their stuff anywhere. Donnybrook covered a song of theirs on Lions in this Game. Drives me crazy. Anyways, check it out, it's so worth it.
THE JEDI MIND TRICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once I duct tape ya to the front of a Mack trucks, face ya
Drive through a brick wall, pull the park and brake up
Ask you for you proof of registration, say what?
I cant understand a word you saying, you fuck!
Peel you off till you drop on the floor
Drag you to the manifold,
Make you... Read More
I am so ready for fall temps. I need to be able to wear a hoodie at all times. I hate the heat. Half way through september and I am sweating just from being outside. Yuck. Today I feel shitty inside. Empty, perhaps? I miss having someone to wake up next to, this is a sure thing. Plus I need a day off. Thursday will... Read More
"Some of you may been hearing rumors going around that 7 Angels 7 Plagues will be joining up for a few reunion dates. Well, 7A will in fact be doing a few reunion shows! Its official. Please stay tuned for details. All I can tell you right now is that the shows will most likely take place in December. There will be a show or... Read More
I got my new glasses on thursday. I love them. Monday and tuesday were sweet. Got to see the Rem Nev boys. Always a good time. Throwdown was boring and even worse were Sinai Beach and the Agony Scene. Fuck the Chameleon Club for beating Rick, ripping his shirt and then following him to his car to fight him. Someone needs to get their brutality... Read More
if i were cool i would have a cd burner and burn you a copy... i am however using my 8 year old computer and it has no cd burner. how lame am i ? i've been listening to some of my "youth lost" collection... feeling a bit old lately.