Ok. Quick update, for those of you interested. The stock in question continued to fall after its recovery until it eventually triggered its (now functioning) stop loss and sold out at a small loss (no worries...I didnt have much in it. :-)
So, I am guessing the dream was an attempt at a warning. The question now is, was the dream incomplete (as I am still sure I did not wake up with the knowledge of WHAT stock was going to bite it...neither the first nor the second time), or was I just not open enough to the dream to successfully glean it?
And what was up with that dramatic, false recovery? Maybe Gods little way of letting me off with a slap on the wrist...THIS time for not paying enough attention to my stop-loss triggers. Mind you, I have DEFINITELY learned my lesson on that one! Now I check them nightly...INCLUDING the expiration dates! :-)
OK...f or a change of subject...new rule. I am no longer allowed to watch Eternal Sunshine... alone, late at night, while drinking beer anymore. Here is an excerpt of what comes out of me when I do :-D
... And yet no one has ever known me so well. No lovers mind has ever meshed so intrinsically. I converse with new lovers and, at times, I am taken aback with my own arrogant impatience at how difficult the communication becomes. Every thought, every knowledge, every emotional skill I own I learned in some way in your presence; either from you, or with you. I see others struggle like infants with the things we learned to overcome, and I feel strangely ashamed to bring the knowledge of love I learned with you into another relationship. ...
... I am the greatest fool and will suffer the fate all fools bring upon themselves and wail...knowing full well I will suffer discontent no matter which direction I turn. This is why God says discontent is a sin...not because it is evil, but it is the folly of self that brings us to brew our own destruction and then marvel at it, aghast, as we wonder Why me, Lord? Why me? We slap at Gods face as he tries to pull our hand from the fire and when, finally, he releases us we thrust our hands back into the flames and glare accusing, tearful, eyes to heaven and curse him for forsaking us.
Yeah...I know...stick to seal poetry :-)
So, I am guessing the dream was an attempt at a warning. The question now is, was the dream incomplete (as I am still sure I did not wake up with the knowledge of WHAT stock was going to bite it...neither the first nor the second time), or was I just not open enough to the dream to successfully glean it?
And what was up with that dramatic, false recovery? Maybe Gods little way of letting me off with a slap on the wrist...THIS time for not paying enough attention to my stop-loss triggers. Mind you, I have DEFINITELY learned my lesson on that one! Now I check them nightly...INCLUDING the expiration dates! :-)
OK...f or a change of subject...new rule. I am no longer allowed to watch Eternal Sunshine... alone, late at night, while drinking beer anymore. Here is an excerpt of what comes out of me when I do :-D
... And yet no one has ever known me so well. No lovers mind has ever meshed so intrinsically. I converse with new lovers and, at times, I am taken aback with my own arrogant impatience at how difficult the communication becomes. Every thought, every knowledge, every emotional skill I own I learned in some way in your presence; either from you, or with you. I see others struggle like infants with the things we learned to overcome, and I feel strangely ashamed to bring the knowledge of love I learned with you into another relationship. ...
... I am the greatest fool and will suffer the fate all fools bring upon themselves and wail...knowing full well I will suffer discontent no matter which direction I turn. This is why God says discontent is a sin...not because it is evil, but it is the folly of self that brings us to brew our own destruction and then marvel at it, aghast, as we wonder Why me, Lord? Why me? We slap at Gods face as he tries to pull our hand from the fire and when, finally, he releases us we thrust our hands back into the flames and glare accusing, tearful, eyes to heaven and curse him for forsaking us.
Yeah...I know...stick to seal poetry :-)
Umm... I think people who have pets are a bit crazy. It's like the proud papa/mama who whips out their wallet to show complete strangers pictures of their kids. So, in light of acknowledging our craziness and the bonds we make while sharing in other people's pet obsessions... here's another pic of the pup.
And thank you for the encouraging words.. now its just a matter of finding my market huh? Where the hell to look.