OK...so the weirdest thing happened today! I have a dream this morning at about 7:30 AM that one of my stocks tanked and my stop-loss order failed to go off and I lost like 40 buck a share. So I wake up for a second and say Thats interesting and go back to sleep.
So then I wake up at my usual time (about 8:30) and wander into the living room to check my stocks and...one of my stocks has tanked and my stop-loss order did not go off cause I had the expiration date wrong, and it is down like 20% (normally my stop loss orders go off at 8%.)
BUT thats not the weird part. The weird part is, I start by looking into WHY the stop loss did not go off (before I do anything else...to make sure I dont inadvertently put a sell order in and THEN have the stop-loss go off and put me into a short sale) and while Im investigating that, the stock makes a sudden rebound and rises BACK up about 17%. So, it is still at a loss (about 3%) but NOW it is within my shakeout range. During the course of the day, it rebounds enough (even though today was a down day in the overall market) so I am roughly about even.
So heres the conundrum. WHAT was the stinkin dream all about?? I mean, I dont recall remembering WHAT stock was supposed to tank when I woke up (assuming that, if I HAD known what stock to sell when I had woke up the first time, maybe I would have sold it for a slight profit.) And the stock tanked, literally, moments before I woke up again and I came out to check on them...so if I had woke up 15 minutes later, it would already have recovered and it would have been a moot point.
So what was the dream trying to say?! Hmmm. I have decided to wait and see what the stock does tomorrow, and maybe that will make it clear. If the stock tanks again...maybe I was supposed to sell it, and walk away. If it does not, then...? Maybe it was just a warning to be more careful with my stop-loss orders :-) Maybe it was just a cosmic event with no divine meaning. Just an inadvertent glimpse. Maybe my subconscious just caught that I had entered the expiration date of the stop loss order in incorrectly and was trying to warn me, as a correction day for the overall market was due...
Maybe I need to go to bed again :-)
So then I wake up at my usual time (about 8:30) and wander into the living room to check my stocks and...one of my stocks has tanked and my stop-loss order did not go off cause I had the expiration date wrong, and it is down like 20% (normally my stop loss orders go off at 8%.)
BUT thats not the weird part. The weird part is, I start by looking into WHY the stop loss did not go off (before I do anything else...to make sure I dont inadvertently put a sell order in and THEN have the stop-loss go off and put me into a short sale) and while Im investigating that, the stock makes a sudden rebound and rises BACK up about 17%. So, it is still at a loss (about 3%) but NOW it is within my shakeout range. During the course of the day, it rebounds enough (even though today was a down day in the overall market) so I am roughly about even.
So heres the conundrum. WHAT was the stinkin dream all about?? I mean, I dont recall remembering WHAT stock was supposed to tank when I woke up (assuming that, if I HAD known what stock to sell when I had woke up the first time, maybe I would have sold it for a slight profit.) And the stock tanked, literally, moments before I woke up again and I came out to check on them...so if I had woke up 15 minutes later, it would already have recovered and it would have been a moot point.
So what was the dream trying to say?! Hmmm. I have decided to wait and see what the stock does tomorrow, and maybe that will make it clear. If the stock tanks again...maybe I was supposed to sell it, and walk away. If it does not, then...? Maybe it was just a warning to be more careful with my stop-loss orders :-) Maybe it was just a cosmic event with no divine meaning. Just an inadvertent glimpse. Maybe my subconscious just caught that I had entered the expiration date of the stop loss order in incorrectly and was trying to warn me, as a correction day for the overall market was due...
Maybe I need to go to bed again :-)
If I do a voice intro, you might get a bit of a shock -I'm orginally a northern lass - we aren't known for our delicate speech. Think female version of Liam Gallagher.