Wow...been a while since updating. Figured I had better stop in and say hi. Hi.
Actually, I have been having a wonderful time stirring up the shit on the boards. I'm sure at this point I have convinced a number of people I am a cold hearted, right wing, neo-natzi...but I can live with that. MAN I love stirring up the shlit!
Stocks are doing well. Has been a couple of weeks of a bullish ralley and stocks are up about 5%. God willing it keeps up for a while. Maybe I can retire while I'm still young and beautiful and still have enough energy to make good (bad) use if it.
Touch typing still sucks. God bless the backspace key : -) !
Actually, I have been having a wonderful time stirring up the shit on the boards. I'm sure at this point I have convinced a number of people I am a cold hearted, right wing, neo-natzi...but I can live with that. MAN I love stirring up the shlit!
Stocks are doing well. Has been a couple of weeks of a bullish ralley and stocks are up about 5%. God willing it keeps up for a while. Maybe I can retire while I'm still young and beautiful and still have enough energy to make good (bad) use if it.
Touch typing still sucks. God bless the backspace key : -) !
leola said:
And are you right wing, young man? I hope not - or I'll have to smack your bottom.
Well CRAP! Now youve gone and made it difficult to answer! I mean, on one hand I would say I really am generally NOT a right winger...but on the other hand, that whole bottom smacking thing sounds like it might warrant at least a temporary alignment shift ;-)
Actually, trying not to sound too milquetoast on the subject...I would have to say I am more right wing than some, and less than others. My REAL pigeon-hole is simply how much I enjoy playing devils advocate on the boards! :-D
As I was saying to a friend just today...I tend to pick the side opposite to the next-most outspoken person on the board...just for the fun of the debate. My rational is that a good debate offers both parties a chance to really think about their positions and have their perspectives challenged. Thought trial by fire-as it were. It regularly refines my beliefs on a position (or reverses them) to have to defend them against a good, well thought out, counter-position.
But, ultimately, my positions are usually uniquely independent. For example, I consider myself an environmentalist...however, AS an environmentalist, I find useless action based in unsubstantiatable information worse than doing nothing at all.
I.E. (Yet another discussion I was just having today...which is perhaps why it is at the forefront) Recycling. Great concept in theory, but a devastating failure in practice. Most analysis of the current methods of recycling show that the existing processes are ultimately MORE hazardous to the environment (once all pertinent factors have been taken into consideration) than the combination of land-filling with the production of NEW (whatever...plastics, paper, ETC.)
Recycling has been reduced to a warm fuzzy feeling you get while separating your trash, that ultimately has no benefit. HOWEVER, with hardened could become valuable.
Are you warming up your paddle yet...? :-D