To hell with you, my fine fool, Death. I will not go meekly like an obedient child...or a quivering bride. No. [You'll] have to mount me like an intractable whore...and drag me, kicking and screaming...
Personally, I'm going to be found hiding under the bed.
Thanks for the words of wisdom.
Yeah, I kind of agree with the dreams. It makes sense really, in the same way when I twitch during the night it often turns into me tripping over, tripping down stairs, falling off pavements (sidewalks) in my dreams. Although I've never been conscious that I grind my teeth - my dentist has certainly never picked up on it. I don't know, as a child I had really bad teeth, and so when my baby teeth fell out, they often split apart either just before or after falling out - it means I know what it feels like, and then combined with a bad dental episode when I was 17 (root canal work and a bad reaction to the anaesthetic), it's always made sense that my dreams were connected to these experiences - I never remember having them prior to 17. Who knows? I'm just sure it has nothing to do with masturbation.
We don't do much Freud here really - the BPS (British Psychololgical Society) looks down on psychoanalysis, so it's not really something we have to cover in too much depth. It's seems strange it's a compulsory subject in other countries.
Thanks for the words of wisdom.
Yeah, I kind of agree with the dreams. It makes sense really, in the same way when I twitch during the night it often turns into me tripping over, tripping down stairs, falling off pavements (sidewalks) in my dreams. Although I've never been conscious that I grind my teeth - my dentist has certainly never picked up on it. I don't know, as a child I had really bad teeth, and so when my baby teeth fell out, they often split apart either just before or after falling out - it means I know what it feels like, and then combined with a bad dental episode when I was 17 (root canal work and a bad reaction to the anaesthetic), it's always made sense that my dreams were connected to these experiences - I never remember having them prior to 17. Who knows? I'm just sure it has nothing to do with masturbation.
We don't do much Freud here really - the BPS (British Psychololgical Society) looks down on psychoanalysis, so it's not really something we have to cover in too much depth. It's seems strange it's a compulsory subject in other countries.