is not agreeing with this cold he has...everything is so bright and I want to pull my eyes out
If you had both of your eyes pulled out would you bother getting glass eyes or putting on sunglasses to make other people more comfortable. I think I would enjoy walking around with open eye sockets but I think some people would probably try to throw...
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If you had both of your eyes pulled out would you bother getting glass eyes or putting on sunglasses to make other people more comfortable. I think I would enjoy walking around with open eye sockets but I think some people would probably try to throw...
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You also resemble Iron Man *nods*
Oh fuck man - those are some awesome flicks...
Def going to see Evil Dead for sure...
BTW - do I know you???
Def going to see Evil Dead for sure...
BTW - do I know you???
Sweet - thanks for the info. I am going to pop by City Lights today, see if they still have tix. Hopefully not sold out.
Guess maybe I don't know you.... I am not from London originally, so didn't go to school here...
Guess maybe I don't know you.... I am not from London originally, so didn't go to school here...
I grew another testicle from watching The Expendables
Me too!

I don't play online games but I just might start
*thumbs up*
and now Machete
oh my god I can't wait
I know! I'm so excited.
well I thought it was just a joke but if you go to one of the website for Tron Legacey you can upload a pic and get your own Encom Badge...I was suprised when mine showed up today.
If they fucking butcher this movie I will never forgive Disney... ever...