so I was watching this porn, and this girl was "fucked so good" that she started crying. I laughed for like 5 minutes. I thought that was the funniest shit out there. I know porn is supposed to be a fantasy-device for most, but I rewinded it a bit (of course), and through the faces she was making, her face did that crying face we all make, her eyes turned kinda red, and...she was crying. I have little time to do anything but watch porn these days...it's finals week, and I have sooo many fucking things to do you don't understand. I just want a week I can chill, but I can't. all I do is study, do work and watch porn.

I really need a vacation. I want to go to Rome, fuck that just gimmie some cash so I can go to eurpoe for a week. that'll be awesome. or just send me to FrancaLingua's house... that'll be an experince....
doesn't matter right? I got less than a movie til this:

12:01am. I can't wait. this'll be the last time I get so geeky over a damn movie. I'm hanging it up folks. back to work
ok, i`ll give those bithces what for.

It is unsettling that the poor girl was actually crying. I hope that it was intentional and not just a sad thing that happened that some sick fuck decided to write into the script. On a much lighter and nicer note, I'm going to freakin' Prom baby!!!