wow. that month sure sucked
I was at a severe low point, prolly my lowest. I quit doing assingments. I stopped doing the book. a girl said she regreted almost having an affair with me, my digi-cam finally gave up on me and I must've canceled and un canceled my account like 4 times
sorry for the lack of responses and stuff
but things are running smoothly now. I finally got back to writting again (usually depression gets me in the mood to write) and i bought my tickets for star wars, and I got like 300 back from the govenment, even though I didn't work last year...hey fuck that don't tell them
I'm gettin this:

fuckin brillant.
btw: thanks noctem
i`m starting to feel better as well, but i`m still having my moments of depression.
finals are over for me next week, and i`ll have time to relax and figure out my summer.