I have an almost impossible work load that I have to do, and I don't know if I'll get to all of it.
my book. my new english class at night, my history of violence piece, this storyboarding of a friend of a friends movie, this game: devil may cry 3, netflix, comics to read, homework, classwork, selling stuff of ebay just to make some money...
and it goes on and on. I tell you...no end, but I will want it no other way.
and I need to get back to the gym fuckin ASAP. this combination of school work, art work, and trying to find a normal job is killing my hours enough to get to a gym.my man-boobs are almost as big as Xip and thats sayin something.
speaking of that I need to draw Xip and llona something this year. if there were two people I'd just like to sit down and have a very deep conversation with it's those two.
I know this may sound chessy and all, but I seriously am greatful to have you SG friends, you all give me some type of window to the outside world.
besides that TV, for me at least, is gonna be fuckin great. Deadwood, Carinvale, 24, and soon The Shield ? fuck reality TV shows up the ass !
thanks! well i'm better now, i slept the whole day (more or less) and just my throat hurts... whatever 

im so glad i missed the snow storm!