I never really had a valentine, and this is not some attempt to get one either
I remember in 10th grade i was in lust with this girl Flor, I had pretty much been in lust with her since 5th grade, so on that valentine's day I gave her a carnation, cause fuck it, roses are so sterotypical to me now, I gave it to her, she smiled, and later at an assembly I saw her give it to other guy
of course I was crushed, mainly because all of my friends were there saying to me "isn't that Flor giving your flower to another guy" I suppose it was in that instance that I stopped caring about valentine's. I've never had a girlfriend, never had one on this day, but I think I've gotten to the point where even if I did, I would forget about this day. I'm not lonely or anything..I actually prefer being alone, but I suppose I don't treat this day any different than easter, or christmas, or new years eve.
I suppose people need days like this to have something to do. to make an effort once in thier lives to love someone, or try to find it. or get the courage to ask that girl or that guy out. I just never understood why you needed a day to figure all of that out.

womens is bitches. this isnt news. heh. ♥