hmmmm, so I decied to do this installation for my school, that only a few people know about. it's basically a whole bunch of original graphic design pieces that I'm doing on the history of violence. not like rape and stuff but mostly murder and so on. I know I'm going to get in alot of shit because of this. last semester I had to do the seven deadly sins, and for lust I fucked around some photos so it looked like I was fucking myself.. you know what? I might as well show one...
when I professor put this up in the hallway, for 3 days straight there were crowds looking at it, especally this one..cause...I guess they never saw a guy fucking himself. one professor said that it was vulgar I told him "moralist have no place in a art gallery" (a line I got from another artist, from this movie) from then on I was
" hey steve, I saw you're work...thats crazy man"
yeah I know, I said.
from that point on, I kind of wanted to see how far I could go with this. like a little child testing thier parents. I wanna see if I can see if I could really fuck up shit, but at the same time give them a message. christ, I'm such a fucking artist.
even though the photo didn't have me "naked" I wasn't ashamed of my body. I thought I was gonna reluctant to show my skin, cause you know. I got man-boobs, and a gut, but fuck that I was never used to being a sterotype, not gonna start now
I'm hungry, I wonder if theres watermelons downstairs...

when I professor put this up in the hallway, for 3 days straight there were crowds looking at it, especally this one..cause...I guess they never saw a guy fucking himself. one professor said that it was vulgar I told him "moralist have no place in a art gallery" (a line I got from another artist, from this movie) from then on I was
" hey steve, I saw you're work...thats crazy man"
yeah I know, I said.
from that point on, I kind of wanted to see how far I could go with this. like a little child testing thier parents. I wanna see if I can see if I could really fuck up shit, but at the same time give them a message. christ, I'm such a fucking artist.
even though the photo didn't have me "naked" I wasn't ashamed of my body. I thought I was gonna reluctant to show my skin, cause you know. I got man-boobs, and a gut, but fuck that I was never used to being a sterotype, not gonna start now
I'm hungry, I wonder if theres watermelons downstairs...
have a good one man!