my feet are killing me. I walked about 80 blocks in NYC today, walking aimlessly, trying to find anything that'll keep me and my friend busy. we went by the bethesda fountain, a place I've grown to love since watching angels in america,

but before I got there I ran into this weird fuckin tim burton forest type area, that had benches, and two people sitting down, with a sign that said "free advice". I went, and they said what was the matter. I said I was bored, and that nothing new happens, alot of stuff I say on here about how life is like "moment, boredom, moment" and so on. they told me that I needed to leave my house, live by myself, and I'll start to feel busy, and the aspect of surviving will be good for me, it'll help me to enjoy life, and I'll prolly be more creative. I was too comfortable at home, and because I was comfortable I was bored:

they said that I was so comfortable, that I prolly wont take thier advice, to which I said: well you can't expect me to just up and leave, it takes time to up and leave, it takes time to just get the money and find somewhere. I could've brush them off, but I really wanted to get advice. I guess I believed them more than a foutune teller cause of the fact that 1. they were'nt charging anything and 2. it was advice, a take it or leave it type matter.
I guess I started to believe them when they said: " I know what your life is like, you draw for a while, then you jerk off, or watch a movie, then you draw some more, and you eat, and so on" my friend replied " I've never seen anyone who's gotten steve's life so down pact"
I dunno, got me thinking about how I live my life. I wish I could just be social, but I need a person to kinda get me outta that rut. I guess I'll get my shit together when I finish this book. I need to finish this first before I start life.