1. when friends leave you here, it's really weird that they don't give you a warning that says " hey, your friend left you"
I went like 2 weeks saying "you know, my friends list looks different for some reason.
2. I have zero money, between paying for college, and my credit card bill (which I estimate will be maxed out in 5-6 months) I can't have a normal life..eh...not like I was having one anyway
3. my book kinda hit a rough spot, and that rough spot was basically depression. it's one thing trying to produce something, but then you're racked with the possiblity that spending 3000 that you don't have and having no one read it. I know my friends will buy it out of support, but what about the 991 people out there.
4.Twwly is perhaps the coolest tatt'ed out girl ever. I don't like to kiss ass, but she's a person who seems cool to hang out with...
5. I'll be out of this site next month. I simply can't afford it anymore, and for some reason it seems quiet in here.
6. i need sleep.
Where have you been? Email me or call if you're not around SG...