the makings of a good day off:
sleeping in
kitty love
crossword puzzles
starfox assualt
rocko's modern life
and, hey, i did some dishes for once.
also: my boys got invited to play bamboozle, so no show on saturday for me.
i've been looking forward to hanging out with them, but this is definitely sweet for them, so it's all good. and this probably means some sort of SSS action this weekend, which i didn't think was going to happen. that's good news.
what else? anything else? hmm... random lovings at the high five on monday. (i showed that headache who was boss!) and i miss my best friend... i can't be a duo as an uno. and.. uh... yeah.
p.s. these kids are my favorite.
sleeping in
kitty love
crossword puzzles
starfox assualt
rocko's modern life
and, hey, i did some dishes for once.
also: my boys got invited to play bamboozle, so no show on saturday for me.

what else? anything else? hmm... random lovings at the high five on monday. (i showed that headache who was boss!) and i miss my best friend... i can't be a duo as an uno. and.. uh... yeah.

p.s. these kids are my favorite.

they all seem so silly.
and you dont have anyt cartoons listed, come on now!