sexually attracted to zombies?
i want to be at punk rock karaoke.
what's up, killer headache? it'd be awesome if you went away and let me hang out with my friends.
work = snowball fights and bouncy balls and trying not to flirt with the boy across the hall.
(who is not just a boy, but actually my friend. i've known him for at least a year now. he looks like shaggy from scooby doo and he's just the sweetest... and now he's across the hall and too easy to stare at when there's nothing else to do.)
that is all.
i'm going to go work on my headache so maybe it'll be gone by the time i have to pick jen jen up at the bus station. (she had to give away my boyfriend this weekend... it's so sad. i loved smalls, the best big black dog ever.)

i want to be at punk rock karaoke.
what's up, killer headache? it'd be awesome if you went away and let me hang out with my friends.
work = snowball fights and bouncy balls and trying not to flirt with the boy across the hall.
(who is not just a boy, but actually my friend. i've known him for at least a year now. he looks like shaggy from scooby doo and he's just the sweetest... and now he's across the hall and too easy to stare at when there's nothing else to do.)
that is all.
i'm going to go work on my headache so maybe it'll be gone by the time i have to pick jen jen up at the bus station. (she had to give away my boyfriend this weekend... it's so sad. i loved smalls, the best big black dog ever.)
it's nice to be loved....