you know what sucks? having a day off and not being able to sleep in! why? i have no idea. your guess is as good as mine.
you know what else kind of sucks? the amount of laundry that needs to be done.
however. before the laundry, i am going to get my hair cut by the hot girl who works at my favorite coffee shop. mwrar. i can't wait to see what she does to it. later, we're going to put the red back in, which i'm very excited about seeing as how my last bit of red lasted all of a week, i think. stupid dye.
onto other things that suck...
i was a complete bastard to my best friend this weekend. i was supposed to go up to chicago and didn't. it was just one of those Bad Times and i just... i don't know. i just don't know. we talked last night and everything's okay, but i still feel really horrible. why do i do that shit to the people that i care about the most?
yeah. speaking of that. why is it that my sister got married and all of a sudden has fallen off the radar? she was living with him before. she was pregnant before. nothing's changed except she's got this horrible last name hyphenated onto hers and they've got some rings. or maybe i don't really understand the change that marriage makes in a relationship. i mean, to her credit, she did come and take the cat to the vet. that was good. but she only really got her act together on that when i called her worried about him. i didn't even get to see her then because i was at work. other than that, i haven't seen her in almost a month. whatever. just goes to show that i was right, i guess. mom said: "you're not losing her." and i said, "she's already gone."
enough of this depressing bullshit. i've had enough depression for one week. i'm going to go take a shower and lay in bed naked and watch some sex and the city. maybe i'll get a bit more sleep before the haircut (which i have to say, yet again, i am sooooo excited about. i'm not sure if it's the hot girl part or the hair cutting part or both...
you know what else kind of sucks? the amount of laundry that needs to be done.
however. before the laundry, i am going to get my hair cut by the hot girl who works at my favorite coffee shop. mwrar. i can't wait to see what she does to it. later, we're going to put the red back in, which i'm very excited about seeing as how my last bit of red lasted all of a week, i think. stupid dye.
onto other things that suck...
i was a complete bastard to my best friend this weekend. i was supposed to go up to chicago and didn't. it was just one of those Bad Times and i just... i don't know. i just don't know. we talked last night and everything's okay, but i still feel really horrible. why do i do that shit to the people that i care about the most?
yeah. speaking of that. why is it that my sister got married and all of a sudden has fallen off the radar? she was living with him before. she was pregnant before. nothing's changed except she's got this horrible last name hyphenated onto hers and they've got some rings. or maybe i don't really understand the change that marriage makes in a relationship. i mean, to her credit, she did come and take the cat to the vet. that was good. but she only really got her act together on that when i called her worried about him. i didn't even get to see her then because i was at work. other than that, i haven't seen her in almost a month. whatever. just goes to show that i was right, i guess. mom said: "you're not losing her." and i said, "she's already gone."
enough of this depressing bullshit. i've had enough depression for one week. i'm going to go take a shower and lay in bed naked and watch some sex and the city. maybe i'll get a bit more sleep before the haircut (which i have to say, yet again, i am sooooo excited about. i'm not sure if it's the hot girl part or the hair cutting part or both...

I need a hair cut too
is it possible for me & my friend to crash at your place after the show friday nite? you can say no...i just dont really wanna drive back home after the show.
well, hit me up & lemme know whats going on. later!