Burning broken bars
Building bronze baseboards
Sleeping silent
Sliding into solice
Limping lazily
Lucid livid life

dedicated to my sister who loves alliteration, just to let her know i am horrible at it
... to my into my mind...
young boy staring wide eyed and full of awe at the new world unfolding before him. to fear god seems only right when you encounter the incredible whole. looking into the truth of everything wreaks havoc on a closed mind, a single being not knowing or feeling it was a part of a greater existence.

there are parts but...
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"Life is stranger than fiction"
'Sometimes i feel my life is a dream. Then i wonder who's it is and if they are enjoying it'

When life presents you with weird quotes that explain the way the sun and moon take their daily course across the sky, you go with them. I have this feeling that i'm lost, wandering some road in the backwoods...
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...flesh emerging...
Who are you? from whence have you traveled into my book? Teeth into my neck, taking me with you. Nails across my chest.... I scream and writhe, i burn, i want...
entwined bodies...
reeling senses...
open eyes...
woven flesh...
...in dreams....
twisted sheets and a curled body turning as my mind recalls false memory seeming only for revenge. As if I traversed some mental cavern and attempted to deny thoughts left unsettled. Vicious is the mind that does betray its owner to past images of happiness, that upon their recollection cause nothing but anger and sadness. Free me from your grasp, time that is...
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disturbing trend
I have noted an interesting tendency among humans...
As their heads grow their brains tend to shrink. One would think this to be the opposite, seeing as the brain should have more room to breath. But it seems that all this extraneous room is taken up by fat cells of a unique nature. These particular fat cells seem to contain, not the...
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only to confuse
I never watch television alone
he's always there by my side
grinning his grin, staring his stare
he knows just what i wait for,
no light comes from the screen
as his fist caresses my jaw
i scream 'your all idiots! why dont you evolve!'
but the television answers me not
it can only recieve my abuse
never returning it.

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'The marble image came alive,
Began to moan and plead -
She drank my burning kisses up
With ravenous thirst and greed.

She drank the breath from out my breast,
She fed lust without pause;
She pressed me tight, and tore and rent
My body with her claws'

- Heinrich Heine
Vivisection of Reality
I am of the firm belief that there is no 'rational' world, in the sense that there is no stable solid 'physical' world. In a single person's existence i have noticed levels of realities one encounters.

Conglomerate socially agreed upon reality: Which seems to be a reality agreed upon by all social groups. Basically, the ideas that air is breathable, gravity...
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...if all we are is what we symbolize...
the sleeper awakes, rubs his eyes and begins to percieve. first there are no symbols, just color and sound. form is a meaningless thing until he can wrap his hands around it taste it smell it. then the symbols work their way in, giving angles and definition, never again to look at a word and not read...
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