The light clicks on and casts a dim yellow curtain over the room. It seems so long that Ive been here, yet I look around I see no familiar shapes in the stacks of yellowing paper that look much older by this light covering almost every surface. The rooms dusty haze seems to rise up out of nowhere as if appearing just to be seen....
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Fire and porcelain.
The dim light is enough and I can see her face.
Eyes of deep sky look into mine.
Her silk lies out across the blue plane of cotton.
Arms like blessings around my body.
One creature we move together.
She burns like fire and porcelain.
She is red and blonde and raven haired,
her eyes are pale blue and the deepest brown.
Her pale tanned skin glows softly in the light of this candle lit room.
Each shadow dances with her every breath
I hear the echoes of a thousand years behind me. The shadows of former selves dancing this maddening ritual. Persist the species, recreate yourself in another. The primal joining of cell with cell to begin the growth of yet another generation. I feel the fire of the beasts that I am rolling in my gut, making me want and strive. The gods laugh at my...
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The music moves through me as the night comes to a close. I know the moment will end and life will begin again at any moment. But for this few seconds I sit at my desk and absorb every note
Smokey tendrils of hate creep over her pale skin casting thin shadows like snakes over her body. Her eyes are full of sorrow as they stare into the dark wood grain, those big brown eyes always looking so perfect, so open and strong seem to weaken as tiny wrinkles form around the bottom. Hair like thin vines twisting and waving like silken tendrils down her...
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is there anybody out there

When life is a dagger hanging over your head, just waiting to make that final blow and tear your third eye out of its socket you know youve gone too far and realized the truth that no one should know. Life is nothing, everything I do, everything I have strived for and yearned for is empty and meaningless. When you...
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... gone to graveyards every one. When will they ever learn

I havent heard this kind of silence for a while. As I walk the empty streets there is no sound except my boots hitting the pavement and my breath as it floats in clouds of moisture into the cold mid winter air. The only other time I can recall this silence, the kind that...
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nothin on the top but a bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about birds
see a lot up there but dont be scared, who needs actions when weve got words
-Meatpuppets, Plateau

Not sure, that is the sentiment of my life. I have never been completely sure of anything. Religion, love, work, school, or even just friendships. In a completely chaotic yet predictable...
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My eyes seem to wander the city pavement as I walk at a fairly quick pace down the broken and cracked blocks that lay seemingly infinitely down the city streets. Droplets of rain tap me on the head and make tiny dark spots on the sidewalk. The sky overhead is dark and heavy with gallons of rainwater that hasnt fallen yet. I walk towards a...
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Spiral Fantoccini
I dream in the dark of a marionette.
The puppet master governs the strings
and I dance on the revolving stage.
A flick of his hand and I take the wall,
a movement of his wrist bends my knee.
I cannot see through wooden eyes
and painted lips too stiff to speak.
I dance his dance, eternal ballet.
Am I his dream...
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Hate \Hate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hated; p. pr. & pr. & vb. n. Hating.] [OE. haten, hatien, AS. hatian; akin to OS. hatan, hat?n to be hostile to, D. haten to hate, OHG. hazz?n, hazz?n, G. hassen, Icel. & Sw. hata, Dan. hade, Goth. hatan, hatian. ???. Cf. Hate, n., Heinous.] 1. To have a great aversion to, with a strong desire...
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