I just talked to my lawyer's assistant today and she said that he'd be able to ditch the charges against me in the fire fighting equiptment tampering charges...I'm so fucking stoked about this. I can't express how happy I am. I wish there was a girl here right now I could have happy sex with...that's the best.
I'm going to court on Monday and my lawyer's going to get a continuation, and then we'll hopefully get most of the shit against me dropped...I'm feeling pretty good about this now. To bad I can't win a game of beer pong or make a stranger laugh.
I'm going to court on Monday and my lawyer's going to get a continuation, and then we'll hopefully get most of the shit against me dropped...I'm feeling pretty good about this now. To bad I can't win a game of beer pong or make a stranger laugh.
before your 30 days are up and before you say anything else stupid.
you will not last long, dude, if you don't take it easy.