First a general PSA. Go love on all the sets by the gorgeous, glorious and all-round sweetheart that is @amoxi
But!!! Please do not look at her most recent candid shot until you have completed the following steps:
- taken all heart medication
- removed keys from all motor vehicles and heavy machinery
- stand well away from naked (and probably any clothed) flames
- remain as calm as possible and wait for 911 or medics to render assistance.
A disclaimer* - The steps outlined above may still not be adequate enough to deal with the awesome and sheer impact of viewing this image. Personally I bit my finger so hard that I am now frantically looking for it under the cushions of my lounge. YMMV, but please, be careful.
The image below is a relatively safe bet for intermediate viewers… if you have no issues with loss of breath or general soreness from a gaping jaw, then maybe… just maybe… venture on to behold the glory of what Chris De Burgh called “Booty In Red”.
(Chris De Burghs lawyers have contacted me and asked me to remove all references to him and his catalogue of frankly, god-awful tunes… but I say screw ‘em)