I’m sure I missed a day or so… and even if I didn’t, I really want to send love and support to some more beautiful hopefuls. So, without further ado -
@cheshire_ has been a hopeful since 2012, if you can believe that?!? She has a heart of solid gold. She boosts up everyone around her. She is a gift to the SG universe, and it’s no secret that I adore her. If you have not caught her live streams, your life is not complete. Chesh has an infectious radiance that I can’t get enough of. She has 3 sets here on SG… please go follow her, and shower her with support and love. She’s the best. See her page here -
I’m sure I won’t be bringing her to the attention of anyone new… but all the same, @amoxi is another hopeful who is painfully overdue when it comes to turning pink. @amoxi is a force of nature, likely the most interesting woman in the world, and simply the personification of beauty. If she is not pink soon, I’m pretty sure there are going to be marches in the streets of a city near you. If you have been living under a rock, I’ll help you out… here is where you need to be -
Next up. @swampxcricket who has recently dropped a magnificent new set you can see here -
I may be a bit of a fraidy cat… because I find her almost scarily beautiful!! She makes me kinda look at my shoes and start to stammer and get all awkward… and I am not even in the same hemisphere. This is the level of gorgeous we are dealing with. I would encourage everyone who hasn’t, to go support the new set. But, you have been warned… your breath may be taken away 😯😉
Another incredible hopeful who I have been seeing quite a few people tagging, is @thorafable and I am not surprised at all! Her debut set has just dropped, and it is sublime! An absolute sweetheart, and I mean… that smile may just end world hunger and cure all the things wrong with the world. Go now… run if you have to… bomb the new set with all the loves and support! Here is where you need to be -