Thanks to @adam_bovary for the tag.
Tattoos........................ 0
Piercings..................... 0
Marriages.................... 0
Divorces...................... 0
Proposals.................... 1
Children....................... 0
Surgeries..................... Multiple… maybe a dozen
Shot a gun................... Yes
Quit a job..................... Yes
100+miles in a car...... Indeed
Hit a deer.................... No
zip lining...................... yes
Cried over someone.... yes
Fallen in love............... yes
Watched someone give birth... no
Watched someone die..... yes
Been to Canada......... no
Ridden in an ambulance..... several times
Visited Las Vegas...... once
Sang karaoke............. absolutely
Been downhill skiing....... yes (sit skiing… google might be your friend here)
Ridden on a motorcycle... Yes
Ridden on a horse....... yes
Stayed in a hospital..... yes
Donated blood............. yes
Ridden in the back of a police car..... yes
Apologies if you have already been tagged… @kalistuh @allouraborealis @jadestoner @aschiron @jhosi @cheshire_
@skisby thank you for playing sir, and for getting right to the point 🙂👍
Like they say: Good answer, good answer